Monday, September 14, 2009


When Mike and I were out in Block Island, we discovered their amazing local library. It was one of the friendliest, most welcoming libraries I had ever been in. One evening, we went in for an appearance by author Roy Rowan, who wrote the book First Dogs: American Presidents and Their Best Friends.

Since there were some children there, I asked Mr. Rowan what advice he had for young writers. He responded: "Get used to spending a lot of time alone."

I thought it was kind of a shame that he answered that way. Sure, solitude is part of a writer's life. But, contrary to popular belief, writers don't have to be lone wolves to get their work done.

Take today, for example. I got my whole newsletter done by bookending writing sessions with social appointments. I got the rough draft done in two hours, went out to meet someone, came back, edited everything, hung out with Mike for supper, and then sent out the newsletter via email.

I find that I write in a more focused and effective way if I know that work will be interspersed by social interactions, especially ones that take place outside the home office. That's how I get my energy and inspiration!


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