Monday, November 17, 2008


  1. I will trust my crazy ideas.

  2. I will doubt my doubts.

  3. I believe the sky is not the limit.

  4. I know that the power of imagination is limitless.

  5. I listen to my inner voice.

  6. I capture my ideas.

  7. I form new associations.

  8. I keep feeding my mind and senses.

  9. I create in areas that I am passionate about.

  10. I choose to be creative.

  11. I accept failure and mistakes as essential steps toward success.

  12. I prefer creative clutter to sterile neatness.

  13. I choose to light a candle rather than to curse the darkness.

  14. I believe in my own creativity and nurture creativity in others.

From: The Little Book of Big Ideas: Inspiration, Encouragement, and Tips to Stimulate Creativity and Improve Your Life

1 comment:

Usiku said...

These are good affirmations for creativity and life.