Friday, November 28, 2008


Today, I felt like I did when I was ten, when I went outside and never wanted to go back in. Just wanted to spend hours outside to play and play and play and play.

I started the day in a little neighborhood cafe with the morning paper and a bagel. A pigeon hopped in and I started a game where I'd chase it out and it would hop back in and then I would chase it out.......

Did some work from home and then went back out into the sun and cool, fresh air, walking all around to do xeroxing and purchasing of postage. It was great to see people, dogs, then sit in Carroll Park, absorb the sun, watch and hear little ones playing, and look up at the sky.

What did I see when I looked up? Sky, sky, sky and tree branches spreading out into the blue.

Finally, as the chilly winds started to swirl around me, I picked up my laundry and came home to my sweetie.

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