Wednesday, April 23, 2008


A couple of years ago, I wrote a piece about Leyla Safai, the woman who founded the Heartschallenger truck. She and her partner, Ben, drive this truck all around, also making appearances at special events.

From the truck, Leyla and Ben sell candy and ice cream from around the world and also play music that they themselves produce. At the time I interviewed Leyla (see previous post about her history), she was living in Los Angeles and had a yen to come to New York.

Imagine my suprise when, last summer, I bumped into Leyla and her pink ice cream truck at an event in SoHo. She had followed her dream of moving to New York.

I just checked out Leyla's website again. She's selling some great stuff like glitter guns and these Choose Your Own Adventure eye chart t-shirts.

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