Thursday, December 31, 2009


Over and over, I've been reading about taking on 30-day challenges. Let's face it, most people set New Year resolutions which lose their luster in about 10 seconds.

It's way more fun and interesting to set goals and to break them down into projects which in turn can be broken down into daily habits.

My Daily Habits for the month of January are twofold:

(1) Call or email a friend, family member, or colleague each day to say hello and/or initiate a get-together.

I already got a jump start on this by calling my great aunt to see how she is doing after the awesome Happy Hour she hosted after my recent wedding in San Diego. (She also came up to the front of the room and danced The Hora with us to the theme song of Sean the Sheep. Great aunts do not get better than this.)

(2) Exercise every single day - be it by taking a class at the YMCA or going for a brisk walk. I am serious about fitness this year, y'all.

Again, got a jump start by taking a modern dance class at the Y yesterday (which left me in pain, but well worth it) and by taking a stretch class today.

For more great tips on setting goals for the year, read Diane M. Scholten's Be Your Own Life Coach: Dream It! Plan It! Do It!

1 comment:

Kass said...

I like the idea of the 30 day challenge. I could manage that.