Wednesday, March 11, 2009


My client and friend Pete Solomita just launched his blog. It's called Groovalicious in Brooklyn: Chef Pete on food, music, and being an entrepreneur. Pete is awesome: he's a baker, a dad, and a dj with a big heart and and a big picture of the world. Here's his first blog entry:

Kale Tastes Better Than You Think

Yeah! Thanks to my friend Eleanor Traubman (photo taken right at the computer using photo booth on our new Mac, what fun) from Creative Times I am up and running with my blog! Eleanor was a great help, I suggest her services if you are reading this and wish you could take the plunge as well.

My webmaster Tony Limuaco from The Yarn Monkey ,will be happy to hear it since he's been bugging me for about a year to do this. The timing is good since my website is almost ready for a more expanded launch.

Here are some topics you will find at Groovalicious in Brooklyn on a regular basis:
  • Culinary articles, tips and recipes with a focus on food that's both tasty and healthy
  • My path as entrepreneur and interviews with other entrepreneurs and people who made career changes
  • "On the Turntable", quick forays into my vinyl collection with short reviews about some hard to find faves and other music topics
  • Fatherhood in South Brooklyn
Let's start with a recipe for kale, a vegetable many find challenging to cook and eat. I was listening to a talk show recently and one of the hosts mentioned he had gas from eating kale. The other hosts on the show couldn’t believe he had eaten kale to begin with. I suppose many people don’t know what to do with it and don’t know how to make it taste good. Too bad because it’s one of the most healthful vegetables. The greener the food the better, being chock full of A and C, calcium, iron and potassium.

Kale with Caramelized Onions
serves 4

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 red onion
salt to taste
1 teaspoon fennel seed
1 tablespoon tomato paste
¼ cup dry red wine
1 bunch Lacinato kale, washed well and coarsely chopped

  1. Heat oil in a saute pan on medium until it shimmeys (before it smokes). Add onions and a pinch of salt, stir onions and put on lid on the pan. After a few minutes when the onions start to sweat, take off the lid and lower the heat a bit. Cook for about 10 minutes or more, continuing to stir, until the onions get a nice shade of amber.
  2. Add the fennel seed and the tomato paste and stir well. Add the red wine and simmer for a few minutes to reduce the liquid a bit.
  3. Add the kale, stir well, put the lid back on and cook for about 10 minutes more. If the pan is drying out you can add a bit of water. Cook until the kale is the texture you prefer (longer cooking for softer greens).

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