I am a devoted reader of The New York Times and would like to propose a new section that would appear once a week either in the Sunday Times or once during the work week.
I was pleased with my movie choice - Hanging Five by Christopher Cutri. This was the East Coast premiere of the film, featuring Q&A with Chris as well as one of the artists featured. Here's the festival's synopsis:
"Hanging Five is a film that follows five artists who all happen to be surfers. The film documents their work and looks at different aspects of their lives and how those experiences have impacted their work. The film also looks at why the surf culture embraces and supports the arts. The artists include: Andy Davis, Tyler Warren, Julie Goldstein, Alex Knost, Wolfgang Bloc."
Most inspiring to me personally was footage of Julie Goldstein, who is reflective on her experiences and identity as a female artist and surfer. I also liked the bits where Tyler hauls out his childhood report card and drawings.
Two films I was sorry I missed were The Women and the Waves and Whitewash. Synopses takes from the festival's website:
"The Women and the Waves is a documentary surf film that explores the lives of female surfers who, through the decades, have chosen to paddle head first into the male dominated sport of surfing and found a place of their own. "
"Whitewash, the documentary, is a film exploring the complexity of race in America through the struggle and triumph of the history of black surfers."
Speaking of Whitewash, I did notice that most of the folks at the festival where white. Also noticed that everyone on the 2009 Screening Panel for the Festival was a guy.
Still, psyched that this festival is happening and hope to see more of the film selections next year.
P.S. - I was a better Jew on Monday night. Went to services at Ramaz and had a great time. Beautiful gym full of people praying together.
When she answered, I told her she was being too loud and everyone on board the plane could hear every word of her conversation. And it wasn’t that interesting.
She started screaming at me, demanding to know who I was. So I told her to look toward the front of the plane. I stood up and waved at her with a big smile on my face. She hung up, sat down and no one heard from her the rest of the flight.
I say, "Way to go, Larry!" It's not easy to handle those situations with humor and diplomacy.When you get that Call to Adventure, you gotta be ready to leave comfort behind and leap into action. This is tough to do if your feet have become one with your fuzzy slippers and your tush has merged with the sofa. Know what I mean?
It's worth it to say “Yes!” to the Call to Adventure, even if it means forgoing comfort or facing a demon or two.
Please join me on The Journey!
To get psyched for your initial leap into the abyss, I recommend listening to Liza Minnelli’s song “Yes!” from her album Liza with a ‘Z’.
It starts:
Say yes
Life keeps happenin' every day
Say yes
When opportunity comes your way
You can't start wonderin' what to say
You'll never win if you never play
Say yes
I got misty-eyed when I first heard it ‘cuz I knew it had to become my theme song for this next period in my life. Why? Because as adventuresome as I am in some respects (I’ll talk to just about anyone on the street or subway) I still run to my comfort zone (which is usually by the TV or literally under the comforter) when faced with challenges that present the unknown.
Admittedly, I’m one of those people who will circle ‘round and ‘round a new project or opportunity if I am not absolutely certain of the outcome. I call this kind of activity “window shopping ad nauseum” and I’m trying to break free of it. While it once served a useful function for me, it no longer has a rightful place in my life.
As Madonna says in her song, Jump:
There’s only so much you can learn in one place
The more that I wait, the more time that I waste
Call to Adventure #1: After 12 years of living in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, where I was thoroughly entrenched, I was presented with an opportunity to make two changes at one time: move to a different borough AND move in with my boyfriend.
I had never lived with a “significant other” at that point and I was shaking in my boots while riding with the movers over the
The Outcome: The truth? I was pretty scared the first couple of years I lived with Mike. It was a huge adjustment on all different levels. Together, over the past 4 years, we’ve built a rich, interesting life in a beautiful neighborhood and formed a web of terrific friendships with people out here. And I still remain connected with my
Call to Adventure #2: I had been writing an email newsletter, Creative Times, for two years, and had amassed a nice-sized readership. In 2005, Mike said “You know, there’s this thing called a blog that would be a great way to get your writing out there in the world!” All I could think of is “I don’t know what a blog is and I don’t know how it works.” And then when I found out how public you go by publishing a blog, I FREAKED OUT! Now I didn’t have control over who could see my writing.
The Outcome: After a pep talk from blogging queen Louise Crawford, I decided to launch Creative Times: A Blog for Artists & Entrepreneurs. With Mike’s help, I set up the blog and mastered the technical basics of blogging. The two weeks after going “live” I had the writer’s equivalent of stage fright: I barely slept or ate.
The good news: Creative Times (the blog) has been a passport to building a community of bloggers and to meeting all kinds of interesting people, from Elmo muppeteer Kevin Clash to Twentieth Century Design Great Eva Zeisel.
Call to Adventure #3 (Hint: It Involved a Ring): Mike and I have now been together for 7 years. During the last 3 or 4 of those years, we’d have an occasional but brief conversation about getting married. From the brevity of those chats, I concluded that we were both pretty much terrified of taking that next step.
The Outcome: At the end of last month, Mike floored me with a proposal on the beach on
· Is there a Call to Adventure that’s been knocking on your door for a while now? What is it? Write it down! Share it with someone else or with a group of folks who also want to pursue a calling!
· Where do you need to say “YES!” to in order to move your life forward and grow as a person?
· Everyone’s Hero’s Journey looks different. Everyone’s “YES!” is going to be different. One person might need to say “YES!” to making new friends or dating again. Another may need to say “YES!” to exercising more or wearing brighter colors. Still another might get to say “YES!” to performing on stage or starting a new business.
· Sometimes you need to get quiet to hear what needs saying “YES!” to.
· You might have to start saying “NO” to people or commitments in order to follow the “YES!” (For example: a mom who does everything around the house might have to get the rest of her family to pitch in so she can follow her calling to write a book.)
· After saying “YES!” you should be prepared to experience mild to extreme discomfort, challenge old (and probably outdated) beliefs and assumptions, pull in the help of friends and strangers, and forge a path into new and unimagined territory.
· Have fun, feel the fear, and let us know how it goes!
You may find that today you have ideas that you can’t wait to express. It may feel like these ideas are bubbling forth from out of nowhere and that you simply cannot contain them. You might feel highly energized and stimulated today as a result of your flashes of creativity. When you are feeling this much energy, it is important to find a way to express your thoughts in a way that is meaningful for you. You might consider a creative outlet such as poetry, painting, dance, or music. As you find what you are drawn to, allow your muse to reveal itself to you today. You could find that your inspiration and energy become boundless once you find a meaningful way to express yourself.
Finding an artistic way to channel our thoughts and ideas helps us express ourselves more easily. When we feel so animated that we are unable to keep our thoughts to ourselves, it can be easy to find outlets that have little or no meaning for us. If we take time to pursue creative endeavors, we find that our ability to express ourselves expands into new realms. We unleash a part of ourselves that we may not often exercise. We also develop different ways to get our ideas across—ways that we may never have thought possible before. Utilize your creative muse today, and you will manifest new and exciting ways to express yourself.
In celebration of MOCA's grand opening at 215 Centre Street, we are pleased to offer free admission to the Museum from Tuesday, September 22 to Saturday, September 26, 2009.
Designed by artist and designer Maya Lin, MOCA’s new home is a 14,000 square foot space in a former machine shop, renovated to feature multiple exhibition galleries, interactive display kiosks, a multipurpose auditorium/classroom, a research center, and a flexible space for multidisciplinary public programs. MOCA expects to achieve LEED SILVER certification through the incorporation of environmentally sustainable design solutions throughout the Museum. At the heart of the Museum is its historic skylit courtyard, left deliberately raw and untouched, that harkens back to the memory of a traditional Chinese courtyard house.
Exhibitions on view:
With a Single Step: Stories in the Making of America, MOCA's core exhibition on the history of the Chinese American experience.
Here & Now: Chinese Artists in New York, an art exhibition featuring contemporary artists of Chinese descent living in New York.
Chinatown Film Project, a film exhibition featuring ten original short films on Chinatown, New York.
(This post reproduced from Sustainable Flatbush)
Ever wonder what our community could do with 120 square feet of outdoor space? Bring friends and family along to find out as Sustainable Flatbush hosts our 3rd annual Park(ing) Day event on Friday, September 18th, from 9am until 6pm.
To raise awareness of how public space is allocated in our neighborhood, we will transform an unremarkable parking spot into “Cortelyou Road Park”: an urban oasis with grass, lawn chairs, music, art supplies, games, and good conversation for all to enjoy, at the corner of Cortelyou and Argyle Roads, in front of the Public Library.
Two sustainable craft businesses based in the NYC area – Garbage of Eden Design and RePlayGround – will teach free creative workshops on fashioning fun stuff out of garbage. We invite you to bring your favorite empty cereal box or designed scrap paper to personalize your crafts. Jewelry made from plastic bags and yogurt containers as well as kits to make projects from scrap will be on display. You could even win a food gift basket from the Flatbush Food Coop, which is also graciously providing free snacks throughout the day! Join us for this international event at the level of our local neighborhood. Meet your neighbors and those working within our community who strive to make it a more livable place.
Last year’s event was a great success. This year we plan to outdo it with:
So bring your own mug and don’t miss the daylong fun!
WHAT: Park(ing) Day / Cortelyou Road Park
WHEN: Friday, September 18th from 9am until 6pm
WHERE: Corner of Cortelyou and Argyle Roads, Brooklyn NY
Park(ing) Day 2008 photos by Keka Marzagao
Lemon Andersen is best known from his regular appearances on HBO’s Def Poetry presented by Russell Simmons, and as an original cast member and writer of the TONY award-winning Def Poetry Jam on Broadway. He can also be seen opposite Denzel Washington in Spike Lee’s Inside Man, and is featured in The Soloist, starring Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey, Jr.
The show will begin its run at the Public Theater on October 12th, with previews starting September 29th. ALL tickets for preview performances are $25!
County of Kings plays Tuesday through Sunday at The Public Theater’s Newman Stage,
“Lemon is a young man who possesses a wealth of talent and he knows how to tell a story. He joins the legacy of storytellers from
“Mr. Andersen has a gift for rhythmic time-capsule set pieces that capture the flavor of a moment in history, turning bold-face and brand names into propulsive song.” – New York Times
A “wonderfully moving hip-hop autobiography” – Variety
Dogs and the funny things they do
Hot pink and purple
The inside of
Quiet restaurants w yummy food
Lofts and loft-like spaces
The ocean
Big clean swimming pools
Making people laugh
Stationary, cards
Writing and sending greeting cards and care packages
Choosing and sending gifts, including flowers
Luxury hotels
Thinking, dreaming, reading and writing on airplanes
Massages, facials, etc.
Perfume counter in dept stores
Chris Rock
Ellen DeGeneres
Children’s picture books
Stuffed animals
The Lizzy McGuire Movie
Upbeat, hopeful “go for your dream” movies
Dance-themed Movies
Hanging out with Cecilia’s family
Sharing meals with friends, esp. lunch
My artists' support group
Introducing people to each other
Bringing people together
Making friends
Wooden bowls, plates, spoons, etc.
Rooftop gardens / balconies
Ugly Betty
America's Best Dance Crew
So You Think You Can Dance
Everybody Hates Chris
Children's picture books
Teen pop culture
Being generous
Being recipient of generosity
Glamour and elegance
Being in nice homes
Welcoming people
Lobbies of hotels and nice apartment buildings
Looking for and finding treasures – people and things
Peanuts specials
Following the lead of young people in play
Wall calendars
Japanese stationery
Appreciating people
Being appreciated
Meeting other artists
Being inspired
Inspiring others
Organizing my home office
Cutting stuff out of magazines and putting it up on walls
The upper east side
Cafeterias in muesems
Gift shops in museums
Going to cultural Events
Reading about arts and culture
Inspiring stories and images of women atheletes
Hearing about and knowing elders who live vibrant lives
My Peanuts Birthday/Anniverary Book
My boyfriend’s impromptu performances
My impromptu performances
Beauty parlors
Getting my hair done
Watching award shows – Oscars, MTV Music Awards
Choreographing dances
Creating puppet "music video" shows
Making order out of chaos
Making chaos out of order
Saturday, September 12th
11 am – 1 pm
What are Little Buddy Store Hours?
Monday - Friday 7am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 8 am - 6 pm
Sunday 9:30am – 4:30 pm
What's Little Buddy All About?
Little Buddy Biscuit Company, a Brooklyn-based micro bakery specializing in handcrafted baked goods made in small batches, has just opened its first storefront establishment in South Slope at 635 Fifth Avenue at 18th Street. The shop will feature an array of Little Buddy cookies, brownies, cakes, cupcakes, muffins, quick breads, and savory items, a selection of vegan goods, as well as ice cream from artisanal purveyor, Jane’s Ice Cream of Kingston, New York (served in all the best restaurants of the Hudson Valley but available only in a handful of city establishments), and specialty fair trade organic Equal Exchange coffee as well as tea selections from SerendipiTea.
What Goodies Does the Store Offer?
* Traditional favorites like Chewy Oatmeal Raisin and Chocolate Chunk
* Artful combinations like Orange Cardamom with Coconuts and Macadamia and Molasses Spice with Crystallized Ginger
* An Almond Oat Breakfast Cookie that appeals to vegans and non-vegans alike
* Creative spins on butter cookies, brownies, ganache and buttercream-frosted cupcakes, cakes, scones, muffins, crumb buns and savory biscuits
What's The Story Behind Little Buddy Biscuit Company?
Little Buddy Biscuit Company is the creation of baker Pete Solomita, who, while visiting local cafés wit his then-infant son, Jack (the original “little buddy”), found finding a great cookie to go with his coffee a challenge. It was at that time that Pete was also seeking to combine his creativity as a musician (drummer and DJ) with his experience as a chef to develop a business. The Little Buddy Biscuit Company was soon born in the top floor apartment of his Brooklyn house where as a stay-at-home Dad, Pete spent months developing and testing recipes which resulted in a line of handcrafted cookies that he started selling to several
After four years of wholesale business, Pete began to seek out space for a retail store - focusing on the South Slope area where he and his wife, Jill, have called home for 30 years. Reminiscing about his childhood on
Who is Pete Solomita?
Pete graduated from the Natural Gourmet Institute for Health, where he received his culinary training. Prior to that, he worked for more than twenty years in the nonprofit sector, using music as a tool to empower the lives of people living with disabilities. Pete’s sense of community and love of
Where Can I Go to Find More Info About Little Buddy?
Please visit the Little Buddy Biscuit Company Website or read Pete's Blog Groovalicious in Brooklyn
For all press inquiries, please contact Josie Diels 917-514-0485 Josiediels@verizon.net
The Strike Anywhere Performance Ensemble & Anitya
in the world premiere of
@ Irondale
October 1 – 3, 2009
“An event that brings together musicians, puppeteers, dancers, and actors in an audacious version of Shakespeare's Macbeth. Shakespeare would have been proud of this modern take of his classic”
-Daniel Brown, Radio France
What: Macbeth Variations II: a Shakespeare Soundpainting (Performed in French & English)
Who: Strike Anywhere Performance Ensemble (NYC) & Anitya (Paris, France)
When: October 1, 2, 3 at 8pm
Where: Irondale Center, 85 South Oxford Street, Brooklyn, NYC. Directions: www.irondale.org
Cost: $20-$40 (Sliding Scale) Tickets can be purchased online: www.strikeanywhere.info
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, OCTOBER 1-3, 2009 - The Irondale Center, who are establishing themselves as one of Brooklyn’s leading performing arts laboratory and performance spaces, opens their 09/10 season with the critically acclaimed Strike Anywhere Performance Ensemble and their international collaborators Anitya in the world premiere of Macbeth Variations II, a dynamic performance event combining physical theater, improvised music, dance and a live-composing sign language called Soundpainting.
Macbeth Variations II is a set of improvised inter-disciplinary compositions exploring Shakespeare's play Macbeth. Just as jazz musicians improvise on jazz standards finding infinite variety within classic tunes, improvisers use Shakespeare's text as the melody from which they depart. The result is a highly-charged interdisciplinary performance event that is different every night. The piece is the perfect compliment to the mission of Irondale who strive to provide an enviroment where performance boundaries can be pushed and work with a social conciousness can be produced. This is the Irondale Center’s second season in their new space, and they are thrilled to host companies such as Strike Anywhere & Anitya who represent a new wave of experimental work today.
“Strike Anywhere Performance Ensemble merges music, theater, improvisation, and structured composition into a total multi-media experience – a ‘happening’ in which art leaps off the wall and into the seat next to us.” - Asbury Park Press
About Macbeth Variations II
Macbeth Variations II is the second stage of an international collaboration between NYC-based Strike Anywhere and Paris-based ANITYA. The performance features on-stage conductors who sculpt the improvisation through the complex language of Soundpainting. Soundpainting is the live composing sign language created by New York composer Walter Thompson for musicians, dancers, and actors. In May 2009, the Irondale Center hosted the pioneer of Soundpainting, Walter Thompson, in an incredible world premiere composition featuring acclaimed musician Anthony Braxton. Irondale is fast becoming the leading presenter of this type of performance work and both Strike Anywhere Performance Ensemble and ANITYA are the foremost practitioners of Soundpainting in their respective countries.
About Irondale
The Irondale Center is the permanent home of the Irondale Ensemble, a 26 year old Theater Company comprised of professional theater artists who have a commitment to creating theater and education programs that explore emerging themes in our society. The Center is also a multi-discipline laboratory for the work of other artists and companies. Ensemble members manage, and curate the Center, nurturing and presenting work that contributes to the cultural, social and educational life of the community. For more information please visit: www.irondale.org