Saturday, September 26, 2009


This horoscope from Daily Om.

September 26, 2009
Unleash Your Muse
Scorpio Daily Horoscope

You may find that today you have ideas that you can’t wait to express. It may feel like these ideas are bubbling forth from out of nowhere and that you simply cannot contain them. You might feel highly energized and stimulated today as a result of your flashes of creativity. When you are feeling this much energy, it is important to find a way to express your thoughts in a way that is meaningful for you. You might consider a creative outlet such as poetry, painting, dance, or music. As you find what you are drawn to, allow your muse to reveal itself to you today. You could find that your inspiration and energy become boundless once you find a meaningful way to express yourself.

Finding an artistic way to channel our thoughts and ideas helps us express ourselves more easily. When we feel so animated that we are unable to keep our thoughts to ourselves, it can be easy to find outlets that have little or no meaning for us. If we take time to pursue creative endeavors, we find that our ability to express ourselves expands into new realms. We unleash a part of ourselves that we may not often exercise. We also develop different ways to get our ideas across—ways that we may never have thought possible before. Utilize your creative muse today, and you will manifest new and exciting ways to express yourself.

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