Twenty minutes into the work shift, it became apparent that the raincoat I borrowed from Mike was not waterproof. So I was the Soggy Muffin Cartwalker for a while, until I could stand it no more. I wrapped the coat around my waist and walked in the rain in my t-shirt. Damp skin felt a lot better than skin enveloped in damp fabric.
Fortunately, the rain couldn't stay in the way of me having a good work shift. Every person who I escorted to their car or apartment was a total delight to be with. Each person had a totally different background, too. There was an interactive installation artist who invited me to her upcoming open studio. There was a mom from Gaiana whose daughter goes to Little Red School House, a Manhattan school I knew from my days as a grad student in education. Plus, it was great to see some of the regular workers from my shift.
After the shift was over, my feet were soaked. So I ran across the street to the drugstore (the kind that has everything under the sun) and found a pair of $1 flip flops that I immediately jumped into. Ah - the sweet relief of wet socks removed. Then I went next door to the candy/newsstand and got the Sunday New York Times - always a beloved weekend ritual. With Times in hand, I plunked down at a little diner, ordered lunch, and read my heart out. I sat close enough to the entrance that I could feel the cool, post-rain breeze on my nearly-bare feet.
Now I'm home to clean the apartment, a chore which seems less daunting after a fun day in the Slope.
Seems like it's gonna be a good Fall.